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Wedding Photography Ideas

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Building a life together starts with your wedding day, a set of moments you want to preserve for your own and your family's recollection and enjoyment. Whether you opt for a large family wedding or a small courtroom ceremony, you can find ways to include your guests in the picture-taking activities if you want, or you can limit the photography to one or more designated individuals. Planning ensures that you capture the moments you want in your wedding album.

Hire a Pro

Regardless of how much you want a do-it-yourself wedding, you'll find two elements of the big day that don't lend themselves readily to the DIY approach: the cake and the photographs. Unless you have a relative who is a professional baker, you may not be happy with a home-baked cake. The same limitation holds true for wedding photography. Even if you scale back the pro's involvement to the minimum package she'll offer, it would be better to hire someone with years of experience and a full set of high-end equipment.

Make a List

Candid shots make great additions to a planned photo "itinerary" that fills your album with the must-have and can't-miss pictures you really want. You may not realize how many "wouldn't it be great" pictures you have in your imagination until you sit down to make a list of the wedding moments you anticipate and want to preserve.
To achieve all your photo objectives, provide a list of desired photos to your photographer and discuss them ahead of time. Enlist the assistance of a guest or two with proven photography skills to capture the casual reception shots that might be overlooked. Don't count out the prospect of carrying a camera with you and grabbing a shot or two yourself. In the midst of the frenzy that often accompanies the hours leading up to a wedding, some people find relaxation in looking through the lens.


Along with the list of pictures you want, catalog the equipment available to you. Common sense suggests that a once-in-a-lifetime day isn't the best time to learn to use new and complex camera equipment. Think about where you want to station a tripod-mounted camera, and if you plan to rent a location for the wedding, the reception or both, check with the venue for any restrictions on picture taking and equipment.

Control the Crowd

The prevalence of smartphones and the tendency on the part of some people who own them not only to snap photos on a whim but also to insert themselves into the pictures gave rise to the term "photobomber." On your wedding day, your uncle, cousin or best friend from college can qualify as a photobomber if one of them pops up in the middle of one of your prized moments. Whether you want to crowdsource your wedding pictures, encouraging everyone to snap away at designated times and locations, or you prefer an "unplugged" wedding at which you control the photography, state your preferences clearly before the ceremony to achieve your desired results.

Photo Credits: Sarah Vantassel/Demand Media
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