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Exclusive Interview with Michael Dean

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So, first some basics, Michael.  What is your age, weight, and height? Hair/eye color? Birthday?  What agency (if any) represents you?  What is your hometown & current residence?

Age     : 20 years old
Weight  :185 lbs
Height  : 5’11
Hair    : Blonde hair
Eyes    : Hazel eyes
Born    : February 28th, 1996
Carier  : Silver Model Management
Hometown : From: Knoxville, TN Live in: Rahway, NJ

Career-wise, Michael, what is your ultimate goal?
Aspiring Actor.
So fill in for readers about how you got into fitness competition, and what you have accomplished thus far.

I was a wrestler for 7 years.  After high school, I needed to keep training so I got into weight lifting.  I have a passion for training intensely and that comes from wrestling for so long. I competed for a year and a half in the NPC Men’s physique and won Mr. Knoxville men’s physique.

What is it that you like so much about modeling?
With modeling I use the best of my talents, it’s like acting and I’m playing a role.

The shoot we are showcasing today was taken my Michael Hallenbeck.  Tell us about the shoot – some behind the scenes stories and what it was like to work with him.

This was the first time I had shot with Michael Hallenbeck, and it was a lot of fun.  We went around New York to several of his spots to shoot and then took a cab to Central Park. 
You also just did a shoot by Edwin Lebron for Aronik Swimwear in Puerto Rico.  Tell us about that experience.

Edwin is such a good guy and I had so much fun shooting with him. The Aronik team took really good care of me when I was down on the island.  I made friends with everyone and we still all stay in touch.
In the fitness modeling world, you have a very clean, professional, wholesome look…not as rugged as some of your colleagues.   Does that work to your advantage?

Yes!  I don’t have any tattoos and I’m going to keep it that way!  Although I have a muscular physique, I have a boyish face so I use that to go for the All-American boy look.  I’d say I’m doing so well so far.
I’m elated that you will never ink that body, Michael!   With you being from conservative East Tennessee, how have friends and family reacted to you modeling? 

Everyone from back home is very supportive of me.  Not many people from where I’m from leave and especially not to somewhere like NYC. 
How have you adapted in moving from Tennessee to NYC?  What do you miss most about beautiful Tennessee?  Is this a permanent or temporary move?

I always felt like I’d fit in better in NYC and I was right.  It took me about 45 seconds to adapt to the city and I LOVE it!  I do miss the lakes in Tennessee and the outdoors.  I used to hike a lot back home so I miss the scenery, but I am here to stay!

Who are some photographers you would dream to shoot with?

Bruce Weber and Brian Jamie are on my list for photographers that I want to work with.

How would you describe your personal fashion style, Michael?

A nice pair of boots, jeans, and a v-neck is my go-to-outfit.  Very simple, not too edgy, and All-American. 

So, besides modeling, are you also a fitness trainer?   Do you also have sponsorships?

I used to be a personal trainer with clothing and supplement sponsorships.  However I am transitioning away from that to go into more fashion.
I’m oversimplifying, but what is your approach to fitness?   What are the biggest mistakes that obese people typically make besides the obvious?

CONSISTENCY is the biggest key to training. There are thousands of workout and diet plans out there, but everyone is different and you need to find what routine you like, that fits best for you and STICK to it.  Being consistent to a diet and training plan will produce results no matter what.

With your own training, what are the one or two exercises that you find most beneficial to your success?

Pull-ups are the best exercise for upper body, and box jumps are the best for lower body.  Each of these are very complex compound movements that work multiple muscle groups.

Tell people something off the beaten path that we would be surprised to know about Michael Dean.

Although I have a very ‘clean’ look now, but when I was a young teenager I used to get into a lot of trouble with the law and was a total bad boy! 
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